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Research Topics for Women in World War I & the Interwar Period

  1. 1907

    • First International Conference of Socialist Women (Germany)

  2. 1910s

    • Margaret Cousins organized Women’s India Association (Ireland & India)

    • Aleksandra Mikhaylovna Kollontay (USSR)

    • Soldaderas (Mexican Revolution)

    • Juliet Lanteri (National Feminist Party, Argentina

  3. 1915 

  4. 1916

    • First Pan-American Child Congress in Buenos Aires

  5. 1917

  6. 1919

  7. 1920s

    1. Clara González (Panama)

    2. Violet McNaughton 

    3. Agrarian feminist from Saskatchewan

    4. Yone Suzuki (Japan)

    5. Elena Torres (Mexico)

  8. 1920:

    • International Women’s Suffrage Association meeting in Geneva, Switzerland

      • Huda Sharawi (Egypt)

    • Japan

    • Ichikawe Fusae

    • Shizue Kato​

  9. 1922: 

    1. Pan-American Women’s Conference(USA)

  10. 1928: 

    • 6th Pan-American Conference (Cuba)

    • Doris Stevens called for equal rights in the Americas

  11. 1930s

    1. East Asia

      1. Tcheng Yu-Hsiu​

        1. 1st woman lawyer/judge in China

    2. Popular Front movement (Spain)

      • Anti-fascist, partnership between communists & Social Democrats

    3. Pan-American feminists

      • Victoria Ocampo (Argentina)​

      • Alicia Moreau (Argentina)

      • Petrona Eyle (Argentina)

  12. League of Nations

    • Marta Vergara (Chile)

    • Paulina Luisi (Uruguay)

    • Halide Edip (Turkish feminist & novelist)

    • Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay (India)

    • Mattel Mogannam (Palestine)

  13. Equal Rights Treaty

    • Drafted by Alice Paul, international version of the Equal Rights Amendment proposed in the USA, 1920s

World War II, Decolonization & the Cold War

  1. 1940s    

  2. 1945

  3. Imperialism & Resistance​

  4. 1950s

    1. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandi (India)
      1. 1st woman president of the UN general assembly
    2. International Women’s Day

      1. May 8, 1950

      2. Alimotu Pelewura (Nigeria)

  5. 1960s

    1. ​​Maria Carolina de Jesus (Brazil)

    2. Golda Meir (Israel)

  6. 1970s

    1. Right wing women (Chile)

    2. Sima Walk in the USSR-Afghan War

  7. Women in the non-aligned movement/decolonization

    1. Women’s International Democratic Federation (Asia & Africa)

    2. Djamila Bouhired (Algeria)​

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