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Resources for Teaching Women in AP U.S. History 
Note: the periods & units below were created by the College Board. Bullet points are suggested content to add to these pre-established topics.

Period 1: 1491-1607

  • 1.1: Contextualizing Period 1

    • Woman as creator

    • Lilith

    • Two spirit

  • 1.2: Native American Societies before European Contact

    • Haudenosanee

    • Matrilineal societies

    • Longhouses

    • Pueblo women

  • 1.3: European Exploration in the Americas

    • Doctrine of Discovery

  • 1.4: Columbian Exchange, Spanish Exploration, and Conquest

  • 1.5: Labor, Slavery, and Caste in the Spanish Colonial System

  • 1.6: Cultural Interactions among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans

    • Herbal healers (Curanderas)

    • Midwives

  • Reading Guides

  • Visual Timeline

Period 3: 1754-1800

  • 3.2: Seven Years' War

  • 3.3: Taxation without Representation

  • 3.4: Philosophical Foundations of the American Revolution

  • 3.5: The American Revolution

    • Public Universal Friend​

  • 3.6: Influence of Revolutionary Ideals

  • 3.7: Articles of Confederation

  • 3.8: Constitutional Convention

  • 3.9: The Constitution

  • 3.10: Shaping a New Republic

  • 3.11: Developing an American Identity

  • 3.12: Movement in the Early Republic

  • Reading Guides

  • Visual Timeline

Period 5: 1844-1877

  • 5.2: Manifest Destiny

  • 5.3: Mexican-American War

  • 5.4: Compromise of 1850

  • 5.5: Sectional Conflict: Regional Differences

  • 5.6: Failure of Compromise

  • 5.7: Election of 1860 & Secession

  • 5.8: Military Conflict in the Civil War

  • 5.9: Government Policies during the Civil War

  • 5.10: Reconstruction

  • 5.11: Failure of Reconstruction

  • Reading Guides

  • Visual Timeline

Period 7: 1890-1945

  • 7.2: Imperialism: Debates

    • Imperial suffragism

    • Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani

  • 7.3: Spanish-American War

  • 7.4: Progressives

    • Feminism as an ideology

      • Inez Milholland

      • Ida B. Wells

    • Suffragists

      • Nora Stanton Blatch Blarney

      • Zitkala-Sa

      • Adelina Otero-Warren

      • Gail Laughlin

      • Tye Leung Schulze

      • Phyllis Terrell

      • Alice Paul

      • Lucy Burns

    • Women radicals​

      • IWW (Wobblies)

      • Emma Goldman

      • Heterodoxy Club

  • 7.5: World War I: Military & Diplomacy

  • 7.6: World War I: The Home Front

  • 7.7: 1920s: Innovations in Communications & Technology

  • 7.8: 1920s: Cultural & Political Controversies

  • 7.9: Great Depression

  • 7.10: New Deal

  • 7.11: Interwar Foreign Policy

  • 7.12: World War II: Mobilization

  • 7.13: World War II: Diplomacy

  • 7.14: Postwar Diplomacy

  • Reading Guides

    • Fabric of a Nation Reading Guide (2nd edition)

  • Visual Timeline

Period 9: 1980-Present

  • 9.2: Reagan & Conservatism

  • 9.3: End of the Cold War

  • 9.4: A Changing Economy

  • 9.5: Migration & Immigration in the 1990s & 2000s

  • 9.6: Challenges of the 21st Century

  • Reading Guides

    • Fabric of a Nation Reading Guide (2nd edition)

  • Visual Timeline

Period 2: 1607-1754

  • 2.1: Contextualizing Period 2

  • 2.2: European Colonization

    • Antinomianism, Anne Hutchinson & American individualism

    • Coverture & English common law

  • 2.3: Regions of British Colonies

  • 2.4: Transatlantic Trade

  • 2.5: Interactions between American Indians and Europeans

    • La Malinche

  • 2.6: Slavery in the British Colonies

    • Women in West Africa

    • Racializing slavery

  • 2.7: Colonial Society and Culture

    • Gender & Sexuality in the pre-revolutionary era

    • Seduction Suits

    • Women in the Great Awakening

    • White women’s religious fervor

    • African American religious practices

    • Anne Hutchinson

    • Thomas(ine) Hall

    • New Jersey experiments with suffrage

  • Reading Guides

  • Visual Timeline

Period 4: 1800-1848

  • 4.1: Contextualizing Period 4

  • 4.2: Political & Economic Transformations

  • 4.3: Politics & Regional Interests

    • Petitions by women

    • Interracial organizing

  • 4.4: America on the World Stage

  • 4.5: Market Revolution: Industrialization

  • 4.6: Market Revolution: Society & Culture

  • 4.7: Expanding Democracy

  • 4.8: Jackson & Federal Power

    • Gender politics in the early White House

      • The Peggy Eaton affair

  • 4.9: Development of an American Culture

  • 4.10: Second Great Awakening

    • Shakers & Quakers

  • 4.11: Age of Reform

    • Abolitionism

  • 4.12: African Americans in the Early Republic

  • 4.13: Society of the South in the Early Republic

    • White supremacist women

    • Patriarchy on the plantation

  • Reading Guides

    • Fabric of a Nation Reading Guide (2nd edition)de 

  • Visual Timeline

Period 6: 1865-1898

  • 6.2: Westward Expansion: Economic Development

  • 6.3: Westward Expansion: Social & Cultural Developments

  • 6.4: "New South"

  • 6.5: Technological Innovation

  • 6.6: Rise of Industrial Capitalism

  • 6.7: Labor in the Gilded Age

  • 6.8: Immigration and Migration in the Gilded Age

  • 6.9: Responses to Immigration in the Gilded Age

  • 6.10: Development of the Middle Class

  • 6.11: Reform in the Gilded Age

    • Indigenous women​​

      • Sarah Winnemucca

    • Spiritualism

      • Victoria Woodhull​

      • Ida Craddock

    • Temperance

      • Women’s Christian Temperance Union

      • Muscular Christianity

    • Women's Suffrage

      • Elizabeth Cady Stanton

      • Sojourner Truth

      • Victoria Woodhull

      • Harriet Tubman

      • Lucy Stone & Henry Blackwell

      • Mary Edwards Walker

      • Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

      • National American Woman’s Suffrage Association

      • National Woman's Suffrage Association 

      • American Woman’s Suffrage Association

      • Mormon suffragists

        • Emmeline B. Wells

  • 6.12: Controversies over the Role of Government in the Gilded Age

    • ​Minor v. Happersett

  • 6.13: Politics in the Gilded Age​

    • Populism

      • Women in the Populist Party

      • Lutie A. Lytle

    • Charlotte Perkins Gilman

    • Clara Barton

    • Carry Nation

    • Ida Tarbell

    • Madame Restell

    • Susette La Flesche Tibbles “Bright Eyes”

    • Emma Goldman

    • Anna Julia Cooper

    • Nellie Bly

    • Belva Lockwood

  • Reading Guides

  • Visual Timeline

Period 8: 1945-1980

  • 8.2: Cold War

    • Helen Gahagan Douglas & the election of 1950 in California

    • Women in the Lavender Scare

      • Daughters of Bilitis

      • Phyllis Lyon & Del Martin

      • Ernestine Eckstein

  • 8.3: Red Scare

  • 8.4: Economy after 1945

  • 8.5: Culture after 1945

  • 8.6: Early Steps in Civil Rights Movement (1940s/50s)

  • 8.7: America as a World Power

  • 8.8: Vietnam War

  • 8.9: Great Society

  • 8.10: African American Civil Rights Movement (1960s)

  • 8.11: Civil Rights Movement Expands

    • NOW​

    • NARAL

    • Shirley Chisholm

    • Andrea Dworkin

    • Catherine MacKinnon

    • Republican feminists

      • ​Jill Ruckelshaus

      • Mary Louise Smith

  • 8.12: Youth Culture of the 1960s

  • 8.13: Environment & Natural Resources from 1968-1980

  • 8.14: Society in Transition

    • Pauli Murray

    • Margaret Sanger

    • Jovita Idar

    • Rose Schneiderman

    • Margaret Chase Smith

    • Bessie Colman

    • Eleanor Roosevelt

    • Francis Perkins

    • Rosa Parks

    • Mourning Dove

    • Grace Murray Hopper

    • Amelia Earhart

    • Women in the conservative movement

      • STOP ERA campaign 

      • Eagle Forum

      • John Birch Society

      •  Phyllis Schlafly

      • Beverly LaHaye

  • Reading Guides

    • Fabric of a Nation Reading Guide (2nd edition)

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