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Did you know thousands of men have advocated for women's rights?
Men who supported women's suffrage
Men who supported the Equal Rights Amendment

Alan Alda
Senator Birch Bayh
Rev. Joseph Blitz
Bishop Carles Buswell
Archbishop James V. Casey
Bishop Maurice Dingman
Bishop John Dougherty
Bishop Caroll Dozier
Monsignor John J. Egan
George Evans
Bishop Joseph Frances
George A. Fulcher
Senator Mike Gravel
Thomas Gumbleton
Joseph Grossman
Richard Hanifen
Senator Gary Hart
Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC
Joseph Hogan
Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen
James Jennings
Senator Ted Kennedy
Senator Patrick Leahy
Norman Lear
Bishop McAuliffe
Senator Eugene McCarthy
Senator George McGovern
Amedee Proulx
Tony Randall
Peter Rosazza
Reverend William Ryan
Richard J. Sklba
Joseph M. Sullivan
Bishop Walter Sullivan
Archbishop Rembert Weakland
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