Serene Williams earned her B.A. degree from Purdue University and her M.A. from San Francisco State University, both in political science. For 20 years she has taught courses at the high school and collegiate levels. Serene teaches numerous AP courses and has written curriculum for many women’s history courses. She frequently presents about teaching intersectional feminist political history at national conferences. Serene is also an independent historian who publishes about the political history of women. She volunteers as a Wikipedian and is currently working on a campaign to improve articles about the Equal Rights Amendment.
Kristen Kelly has a M.A. in Cultural Historical Religion from the Graduate Theological Union-Berkeley and teaches all high school levels. She created a popular “Gender & Sexuality in the Bible” course and co-taught the interdisciplinary Women’s Studies courses as well as AP Government & Politics courses with Serene. Kristen loves collaborating with scholars and teachers and has presented at The National Women’s Studies Association Conference, The National Council for Social Studies, & The Berkshire Conference of Women’s Historians. Kristen loves teaching religion and history from an intersectional lens, focusing especially on gender and sexuality issues.

Conference Presentations
Kristen & Serene have presented all over the United States & in Canada about the need for
women's history in K-12 schools
"Educational Activism: Proposing an AP U.S. Women's History Course" National Council of Social Studies, Boston, November 2024
“Proposing an AP U.S. Women’s History Course” American Historical Association, San Francisco, January 2024
“Proposing an AP U.S. Women’s History Course” National Council of Social Studies, Nashville, TN, November 2023
“Rose Colored Glasses: Queering Reaganism in the High School Classroom” Queer History Conference, San Francisco, June 2022
“Decolonizing Middle and High School Curriculum Through Intersectional Feminism” National Council of the Social Studies in Austin, Texas, November 2019
"Teaching Queer Lives: Resisting Historical Erasure through LGBTQ History", National Women's Studies Association, San Francisco, November 2019
“Women’s History Partnerships Between Scholars & Secondary Educators” National Women’s Studies Conference (NWSA) in Atlanta, November 2018
“Women’s History Partnerships Between Teachers & Scholars” Seneca Falls Dialogues Conference, October 2018
“Teaching Women in History as a Form of Differentiated Instruction” National Council of Social Studies in San Francisco, November 2017
“Student and Faculty Perspectives on Intersectionality and Fourth Wave Feminism in Secondary Education “Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Hofstra University, May 2017
“Decolonizing Intersectional Feminist History Curriculum at the Secondary Level” at NWSA Conference in Montreal, Canada, November 2016
“Catholic Feminism in Secondary Schools”NWSA Conference in Milwaukee, WI, November 2015
“Teaching Gender in Secondary Schools” at California Association of Independent School Conference in Oakland, CA, March 2015