Unit 1: The Global Tapestry
1.1: Developments in East Asia
Confucian hierarchy limited women's autonomy
Foot-binding enforced
Song Dynasty
1.2: Developments in Dar al-Islam
Women & the Abbasid Caliphate
Women's seclusion became part of Shari'a​
Women could own property​​
1.5: State Building in Africa
Polygymy mainstay because of low populations​
Women could own slaves
1.6: Developments in Europe
Rise of content culture
Cult of Mary
Gendered division of labor
Women can inherit estates​
Unit 2: Networks of Exchange
2.2: Mongol Empire
Rights for women​
Foot-binding illegal​
Rights of movement
Women managed herds
Kublai Khan
Court was multinational​
2.3: Exchange in the Indian Ocean
Egalitarian in Southeast Asia​
Women involved in silk culture
Harvesting silk, running businesses​
2.4: Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
Restrictions for women​ increase
Abassids enforced Shari'a law​
Harems & concubine culture practiced based on class
2.5: Cultural Consequences of Connectivity
Sati & child marriage​
Unit 3: Land-Based Empires
3.1: Empires Expand
Migration led to development of race/racism​
Control of marriage increased
Rights for women decrease
3.2: Empires: Administration
Women acted as intermediaries between local/foreign culture
3.3: Empires: Belief Systems
3.4: Comparison in Land-Based Empires
Literacy expanded​
Women in domestic roles
Women could not own land
Sexual misbehavior prosecuted​
Primary Sources for Unit 3​​
Resources coming soon!​
Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections
4.3: Columbian Exchange
Latin America​
Amerindian women sold to European men​
Castas/socioracial categories
4.4/4.5: Maritime Empires
4.6: Internal & External Challenges to State Power
North America
Less intermarriage than in Latin America​
Matrilineal/matrilocal tribes
4.7: Changing Social Hierarchies
In postclassical era-women had more political power​
Declined in early modern period
Primary Sources for Unit 4​​
Resources coming soon!​
Unit 5: Revolutions
5.1: Enlightenment
Manifesto by the Society for the Emancipation of Women (France)
Mary Astell (England)
Mary Hays (England)
5.2: Nationalism & Revolutions
American Revolution
Public Universal Friend​
Phyllis Wheatley
Deborah Sampson
French Revolution
Olympe de Gouges
Napoleon's Civil Code (1804)
Haitian Revolution
Cécile Fatiman
Marie-Jeanne Lamartinière
Victoria Montou (aka “Toya”)
Latin American Revolutions
War & Motherhood in the 19th Century
5.3 & 5.4: Industrial Revolution
5.5: Technology of the Industrial Age
5.6: Government's Role in Industrialization
5.7: Economic Developments & Innovations in the Industrial Age
5.8: Reactions to the Industrial Economy
Women's suffrage
5.9: Society & the Industrial Age
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization
6.1: Rationales for Imperialism
Victorian norms​
6.2: State Expansion
6.3: Indigenous Responses to State Expansion
Empress Dowager Cixi​
New Zealand
Maori​ & Waitangi Treaty
6.4: Global Economic Development
Women not considered legal persons​
6.6 & 6.7: Causes/Effects of Migration
Strict sexual norms​ enforced by the European empires in India, West Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand
Outlawing of the Hijra in India & any indigenous third gender
Primary Sources for Unit 6​​
Resources coming soon!​
Unit 7: Global Conflict
7.1: Shifting Power after 1900
International Woman Suffrage Alliance (Germany)
5th Congress of International Woman Suffrage Alliance ​
Hubertine Auclert (France)​​
1890s-1910s: Suffragette movement (Britain,Canada)
Emmeline Pankhurst, Sylvia Pankhurst, Cristabel Pankhurst, Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence (Britain)
Dr. Emily Howard Jennings Stowe (Canada)
Catholic Women’s Suffrage Society (UK)
Aletta Henriette Jacobs (Netherlands)
7.4: Economy in the Interwar Period
Josephine Baker in France​
7.5: Unresolved Tensions After World War I
International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship
Yamakawa Kikue (Japan)
Suffrage approved in Spain
Durriyyah Shafiq (Egypt)​
7.8: Mass Atrocities After 1900
Armenian genocide
Women & Children targeted​
Jewish women in the Holocaust
Cambodian genocide
Women soldiers​
Rwandan genocide​
Sexual violence​
Unit 8: Cold War & Decolonization
8.1: Setting the Stage for the Cold War & Decolonization
8.2, 8.3, 8.8 & 8.9: The Cold War​
Women in the Cultural Revolution (China)
Women’s movement of the Philippines
​​Maria Carolina de Jesus (Brazil)
Golda Meir (Israel)
Right wing women (Chile)
Sima Walk in the USSR-Afghan War
Women in the non-aligned movement/decolonization
Women’s International Democratic Federation (Asia & Africa)
Djamila Bouhired (Algeria)
Alimotu Pelewura (Nigeria)
International Women’s Day
May 8, 1950
8.4: Spread of Communism​​​
Women in the Red Guard & Cultural Revolution​
Communist feminism
- ​8.5: Decolonization
- Vietnam​
- Women in the independence movement​
- China
- Ding Ling, purged by Mao​
- Vietnam​
- 8.6: Newly Independent States
- Myanmar​
- Aung San Suu Kyi​
- India
- Indira Gandhi​
- Myanmar​
- 8.7: Global Resistance to Established Power Structures
- India
- Phoolan Devi (Bandhit Queen)​
- India
Unit 9: Globalization
9.1: Advances in Technology & Exchange
Birth control​
9.2: Technological Advances & Limitations After 1900: Disease
9.3: Technological Advances: Debates About the Environment After 1900
9.4: Economics in the Global Age
9.5: Calls for Reform & Responses After 1900
Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
Domitila Barrios de La Chungara
El Salvador​
Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas por la Paz
Corazon Aquino​​
South Africa’s transition to democracy (1990s)
Asante Queen Mothers
1993: UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna
1995: UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing
Women Presidents/Prime Ministers
Chandrika Kumaratunga (Sri Lanka, 1994-2005)
Violeta Chamorro (Nicaragua)​
9.6: Globalized Culture After 1900
Constitutional Convention (Chile)
Las Tesis (Chile)
100 Elles (Geneva, Switzerland)
100 Women and Thousands More(Switzerland)
9.7: Resistance to Globalization After 1900
​Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan(Sept. 14, 2001)​
9.8: Institutions Developing in a Globalized World
Angela Merkel
This list of resources was created by Ben Hunter, Kristen Kelly & Serene Williams, AP history teachers